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 Fight, flight or freeze! For months I've felt like I'm frozen. I feel incapable of making big decisions, I need to choose an orthodontist, I need to figure out somethings for school. feel like I'm failing my kids all the time. I used to have a very thick skin to their childish behavior. The things common to first world children, There are complaints about meal options or criticisms about how a meal isn't up to the ideal. I used to have a sense of humor and just roll my eyes and remind them of the boundary that the only thing I want to hear is, "Thanks for the food." and to keep the criticism and whining to themselves. But now it hurts my feelings, it feels like everything is spiraling. Like someone shot out one of my engines and I'm just in a tailspin heading for the ground. I don't know how to find that internal equilibrium, that sense of humor and irony that kept things in perspective. And I am failing them.  We moved 1000 miles in July 2020 when CO

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